Friday, March 13, 2009


Since Donna posted some of the pictures from the walkout [Amanda we're waiting on yours! =D], I figured I should write about my experience with it. Besides... I don't want to write my essay, and I'm really bored at work, haha.

I think the walkout was quite an experience, something everyone should experience. Good thing Scott lied to all of us to get us to join them! hahaha. Anyway, even though we [the fellas from 210s Finest and Donna, Amanda, Jeff, and I] only walked down as far as Stonestown on 19th Avenue [we had class and work, and that's why we couldn't continue... and CCSF is really far!] I still felt the emotions that were flying amongst the crowd of people surrounding us. You can sense the passion and the determination of those trying to make a difference, trying to be heard. People had posters, signs, and T-shirts, and they were all chanting various phrases, trying to get others to hear their voices. People that drove by honked to show their support, and spectators on the sidewalks stopped to watch as we went by. The message was slowly, but surely becoming clear to others in society around us. Oh, and I have to mention, the cops that were trying to control the walkout were assholes! I know Jiawei agrees... hahaha.

I don't think people realize that students aren't the only ones effected by the cuts that have been made... it is also unfair to the staff working at the university. The walkout on the 12th was not just for students, but for staff as well. Although the majority of the staff and faculty couldn't participate since they had classes to instruct, many of them were supportive and let their students leave to support this cause. Students are unaware, but a lot of staff and faculty have gotten laid off, as well as pay reduction, and the lack of staff to run the university. Although staff and faculty are effected as well, students clearly got the shorter end of the stick. We are paying for our tuition, and our fees are constantly increasing, whether they're fees for classes, textbooks or scantrons, the amount that we are paying is never consistent. Not only that, but students are paying MORE to get LESS. Our fees have increased, but our classes have been cut, and it's simply not fair for students to suffer. People in society claim that our turnover rate for college graduates is extremely low, and I believe it. If they are wondering why, they shouldn't because the answer is obvious. The cost of education has gone up, and many people can no longer afford the tuition to go to college. Even with financial assistance, many students can't afford to pay the difference because the costs are so high.

I think everyone should have came and joined us in the walkout. Considering that our school is so liberal, I feel that everyone should participate in such events. It's definitely something worth participating in, and you're actively walking for something you believe in... something that will indefinitely affect you in the long run. Like I said, even though we only walked down to Stonestown on 19th Avenue, [Don't judge us! At least we went! haha] participating even for a short period of time in the walkout was definitely an experience - an unforgettable one.

--Kim [=


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