Friday, March 13, 2009


Since Donna posted some of the pictures from the walkout [Amanda we're waiting on yours! =D], I figured I should write about my experience with it. Besides... I don't want to write my essay, and I'm really bored at work, haha.

I think the walkout was quite an experience, something everyone should experience. Good thing Scott lied to all of us to get us to join them! hahaha. Anyway, even though we [the fellas from 210s Finest and Donna, Amanda, Jeff, and I] only walked down as far as Stonestown on 19th Avenue [we had class and work, and that's why we couldn't continue... and CCSF is really far!] I still felt the emotions that were flying amongst the crowd of people surrounding us. You can sense the passion and the determination of those trying to make a difference, trying to be heard. People had posters, signs, and T-shirts, and they were all chanting various phrases, trying to get others to hear their voices. People that drove by honked to show their support, and spectators on the sidewalks stopped to watch as we went by. The message was slowly, but surely becoming clear to others in society around us. Oh, and I have to mention, the cops that were trying to control the walkout were assholes! I know Jiawei agrees... hahaha.

I don't think people realize that students aren't the only ones effected by the cuts that have been made... it is also unfair to the staff working at the university. The walkout on the 12th was not just for students, but for staff as well. Although the majority of the staff and faculty couldn't participate since they had classes to instruct, many of them were supportive and let their students leave to support this cause. Students are unaware, but a lot of staff and faculty have gotten laid off, as well as pay reduction, and the lack of staff to run the university. Although staff and faculty are effected as well, students clearly got the shorter end of the stick. We are paying for our tuition, and our fees are constantly increasing, whether they're fees for classes, textbooks or scantrons, the amount that we are paying is never consistent. Not only that, but students are paying MORE to get LESS. Our fees have increased, but our classes have been cut, and it's simply not fair for students to suffer. People in society claim that our turnover rate for college graduates is extremely low, and I believe it. If they are wondering why, they shouldn't because the answer is obvious. The cost of education has gone up, and many people can no longer afford the tuition to go to college. Even with financial assistance, many students can't afford to pay the difference because the costs are so high.

I think everyone should have came and joined us in the walkout. Considering that our school is so liberal, I feel that everyone should participate in such events. It's definitely something worth participating in, and you're actively walking for something you believe in... something that will indefinitely affect you in the long run. Like I said, even though we only walked down to Stonestown on 19th Avenue, [Don't judge us! At least we went! haha] participating even for a short period of time in the walkout was definitely an experience - an unforgettable one.

--Kim [=

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the walkout

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Birthday Killer..

Happy Tuesday everyone! =D So, usually I blog about something that has to do with Asian American studies - well I try to anyway, but today, we're going to follow a different trail.

My friend's 21st birthday was on March 4th [HAPPY 21st BiRTHDAY SOMANDY! =D] and after she hit a few clubs, went to a few bars, and practiced her official rights as a 21-year-old in American society, we all met up Saturday evening and had dinner at this Egyptian restaurant in the outer Richmond area called Al-Masri... and I think the experience at that restaurant alone killed her celebration as a whole. It was the worst experience I've ever had at a restaurant - not to mention the most expensive bill I've ever seen for 10 people! Can you please explain to me how our bill came out to be $570 for 10 people?! That was just ridiculous. I can't believe these people would have the nerve to scam us just because we're young and they think they can get away with that BS.

First of all, the restaurant itself looked like a house, made into a wanna-be restaurant, and the food portions were TINY! It was supposed to be $37 for a 3-course meal for each person, okay, that's understandable... but the way they plated the food was stupid, and obviously only benefitted them while ripping us off. Our first "course" was pita bread, hummus, and other random dips all on one plate. Okay, this I understand. Who was going to eat all that hummus and cheese and whatever anyway right? The second "course" was salad... not individual plates of salad - no, that would mean they were being fair to us. The salads were on one big plate that we had to pass around - the food was served family style. The entree was also plated on 3 plates that we once again had to pass around - and there wasn't even enough of the food for everyone to have. Those were our 3-courses, and it took us about 2 hours to get our entree. TWO HOURS! Oh, and that's not even the worst part!

The worst part was they tried to make ALL OF US GIRLS get up and BELLY DANCE with some lady that was older than my mom. I mean, props to the lady who can still belly dance at her age, but seriously - to claim that as your "show", that's just a joke. A big, fat, humiliating joke. I mean, Somandy, you are so lucky I love you because if I didn't, you would've suffered that humiliation on your own! haha. Anyway, they tried to make us dance, which none of us wanted to do. I mean, belly dancing in cocktail dresses and stilettos? What the hell.. no. Not happening. Then, the rest of their "customers" [it was actually their FAMILY] got up and joined her, which is fine. Go for it! And then they started trying to record us on their camcorder. WTF?! Is that even LEGAL without our consent?! I don't think so. So my friend told them to knock it off, and the girl that was recording got PISSED. Who cares?

Anyway, they tried to keep us trapped there to have cake for their sons "birthday", and I mean, the kid had that look on his face like, "DAMN! How many birthdays am I gonna have?!" which is so sad. It took them a good 45 minutes to calculate our bill, which I don't understand because seriously, how difficult is it? And meanwhile, they had the ONLY ASIAN GUY working their dress up as some Egyptian to present my friend with a cake that looked really dry and frankly, was reminiscent of pound cake with a glaze on top. I pity that Asian guy - if I were him, I'd hate my job too. They had him dressed up in all these goofy ass outfits, and I still don't understand how he was the ONLY person there that wasn't apart of their Egyptian family... shoot, as far as I know, he might've been adopted or married into that crazy ass, scamming family. Oh, and their "Happy Birthday" song, was like 20 minutes long. WTF?! I swear that shit was on repeat...

So, my advice to all of you out there, don't ever eat at Al-Masri Egyptian Restaurant in the outer Richmond on Balboa. They'll not only ruin your night, you'll leave there HUNGRY and unsatisfied with your food and feeling like you just got ripped off - which you probably did.

Sorry for the ranting and raving - thought I'd do my friend a favor and let everyone know about her displeasure! Anyway, Happy Birthday again hun! =D


my long long week

so after my wonderful weekend of non stop partying, i got hella sick monday night after eating wingstop! ! ! that's being sick twice in less than a month. my immune system sucks.

tuesday: so it was about 3:30ish am. i started to whine and cry because i couldn't breathe, and felt hot and cold at the same time. i didn't know what to do so i cried of course. hahah sounds funny huh? and to top it off all my boyfriend kept askin' is "what's wrong and what do you want me to do" JERK!!! haha. of course i wanted him to bring me medicine or water or something instead of asking me questions and of course i was cranky and he was not helping at all. i kept tossing and turning and it was about 5am and i still was not able to sleep. i thought i was gonna die! haha. so i wasn't able to go to school that day cos i couldn't get out of bed til like 3pm. my body was so weak and people kept texting and calling me where i didn't even have the energy to pick up my phone to look at it. i couldn't eat, drink or move anywhere but my head. it was horrible i tell you.

wednesday: so i'm thinking i'll get a little bit better for work but end up couldn't get out of bed either so i called in and stayed in the bed the whole day. the colder it was, the more i coughed and my coughed sounded horrible and my throat hurted at the same time. i hate drinking medicine because it doesn't work. it felt like the medicine i was taking was making me more sick than i was. i was hoping i'll get better for thursday since i didn't go to school on tuesday so i was planning on going to school.

thursday: thursday morning came around 6am when i was trying to get out of bed. as i was getting up my head started spinning and sweating so i knew i couldnt go to school then there i laid in bed for the longest. i swear i've never missed two days of school like that in my life nor have i've been sick where i can't move or get out of bed. my mom kept telling me to get up and be active but i didn't have any energy to do so. *sighs* but amazingly i got a little better by the end of the night so i was able to go to work the next day. which wasn't a very good idea because i gotten worse over the weekend :( so basically the last week i've done nothing but stayed in bed :( wow what a week especially when the weather has been so beautiful!!!!!

' can't believe spring break is almost here! yay and about 2 months of school for me!!!!


Julie Joi

Monday, March 9, 2009

So tired...

As many of you are aware by now, daylight savings has crept into our clocks once again. Although I was very much aware of the change (I changed my clocks on Saturday), my father felt it was necessary to call and remind me at 7 AM (6 AM pre-DST). He didn't want me to be late for church (o_O). Anyways...enough of the useless banter and time to explore the origins and history of daylight savings.

Throughout human civilization, the sun has been a vital component in governing daily affairs. Prior to the discovery of electricity, the sun was the sole source of light, and it limited the activities individuals were able to perform. Unlike previous ancient civilizations, however, there was no true standardization of time. As a result, they were free to regulate how the work day was conducted. Modern civilizations do not have such laxity when regulating hours. The acceptance of a twenty four hour day meant establishing periods of acceptable times by which the entire society would function. In the early 1900s, William Willett was disturbed by the number of Londoners that would sleep in during the summer months since mornings were brighter as compared to winter months. Consequently, he proposed adjusting the time forward so that individuals could enjoy more leisure time in the sun.

DST is not employed by the entire world. The map above shows areas that are currently using DST (blue), those that no longer DST (orange), and those that never used DST (red). Interestingly enough, DST is not used uniformly in all countries. Arizona no longer abides by DST.
The utilization of DST has its benefits. The increased sunlight allowed individuals to enjoy outdoor activities for longer periods of time. These activities include sports, health and fitness, and shopping. Lastly, traffic reports (circa 1995) reported decreases in vehicular accidents and fatalities due to the increased mid-day sunlight..

Besides the positive effects of DST, there is also a bit of controversy that surrounds it. A large concern is the abrupt shift in the individuals biological clock. Adjusting to an hour less sleep can affect the physical and mental performance of any individual. Also, DST is a complex system that is not accepted by all countries, and that can cause logistical problems. Lastly, a 2007 study by the US Department of energy concluded that Americans used .5% less electricity during the DST period, but the information is not exactly reliable. Many companies are reluctant to spare energy during hours of operation. Additionally, patterns of individual energy use at home can be sporadic.

Lastly, I forgot to blog about the food challenge. Rather than write a lengthy piece on it, I'd prefer to keep it short. Since we lost, we are left to savor the experience of cooking the food. From that merry night, I will make a few observations:
1) We were obviously unprepared in the kitchen. It took us three hours to make a one hour meal (marinating time not included).
2) Having 5 people fight for prep space was interesting to say the least.
3) Moments of desperation where food tastes "plain" calls for an improvization of ingredients.
4) Adding alcohol into the system helps with creativity.
5) Scaring the shit out of Kim is priceless...

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