Saturday, April 4, 2009

asian american women in the modelling industry

i realized i only posted 5 blogs prior to this blog. and we're supposed to have 14 blogs by the end of the semester? and we have 6 weeks of school left. i need to step it up!

my reason for blogging at the moment is because i don't want to clean the house... :)

i was watching a re-run of ANTM (america's next top model) the other day and i forgot which "cycle" it was but they talked about how asian models aren't usually successful in the modelling world. my first reaction was "that's not fair." why is it that tall skinny caucasian women are considered "ideal"? i don't think this model issue applies to asians alone but to many women of color. i think society's acceptance of the color white being associated with the term "pure" and "good" makes people think of that color being ideal. and that's with anything. but i hate when it's applied to people. whenever you see a bad guy in a children's show or movie they're always dark colored, and sinister. the good guy is always in something shiny, white, light. i'm going off on a tangent.

another thought that came to mind while i watched this episode of ANTM: "do asian women result to import modeling because of the fact that they won't be successful in the modelling world?" how come asian women have to resort to
this type of degrading, stereotypical, type of modelling? i wouldn't even know if i consider import modelling, modelling. i have a few friends who are "models" and most of the time they have to model almost naked. and these are both asian girls. if they were in a photoshoot, they have to be almost, if not completely, naked. very rarely do they get to model actual clothes. i would guess that part of the reason is that they aren't tall enough to meet the height requirements of a model that ANTM made up. i believe it was that you need to be taller than 5" 5' or 5" 7. something crazy like that. and most asian women are known to be small and petite. (i'm 4" 11'. i could never be a model in my life unless it was for children's clothing lol)

and can i just add that i hate the stuff that the asian import models have to wear. such skimpy clothing. it's just something that keeps us asian american women stuck to that slut kind of stereotype. it's these pictures and skimpy outfits that make men think we'll "love you long time."

the girl who was asian on ANTM was only half asian too. and she still didn't get even close to winning that season. just another issue for asian americans to make a change in.
-donna ;]


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