Sunday, May 3, 2009


i'm so glad pop is over. and i'm glad it all pulled through in the end. kind of like how our midterm was. i was just a bit irritated how the other classes took so freaking long to do their performances. kinda messed up that they took up most of the time and left us with a tired, sleepy crowd.

i think our class had lots of great ideas for our show. i'm sure there were plenty more ideas but just not enough time to incorporate them all.

i think this semester has been quite memorable in all of my classes, but especially eths 210. i made new friends and new memories. i think our group had its ups and downs but overall, i'm glad i got to work with the people in my group. i can honestly say i like each and every one of them. (and to be honest, that doesn't usually happen... hahaha)

so although we didn't win every group challenge, didn't always all show up to class, and weren't always able to meet up for projects and such, i still love everyone in mixed persuasian and our group will be one of the most memorable ones i'm sure.

and i STILL think we should have won the iron chef challenge. seriously. haha.
-Donna ;]


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